Unable to upload pdf file in ChatGPT 4

Unable to upload pdf file in ChatGPT 4.After signing into ChatGPT 4 and attempting to upload a PDF, I keep encountering an error message saying, “Unable to upload pdf file…” This issue persists even though my internet connection is stable, which I infer from my ability to access other sites without interruption. My trials spanned PDFs ranging from 300kB to 3MB, all resulting in the same upload error. I would appreciate assistance in determining the root of this problem. Thank you!



Did you end up getting this problem fixed? If so, how? I’m currently having the same problem.


me either. I can’t upload the pdf. But other file type can be uploaded.


same here :frowning: Tried with different sizes of PDF, .txt file as well… no luck :frowning:

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I too facing a document upload issue after the launch of 4o

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I am facing the same issue. Is there any resolution? Please advise as soon as possible. Thank you.

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Same issue here, can’t upload PDFs. No clear error.

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same here. I can upload the same PDF file yesterday but not today

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same here, read somewhere it might work if i compress the file but got an error anyway, as we are paying for the service, should we be reimboursed?

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Same I am able to upload google docs files but pdfs don’t seem to be working. I also sometimes get a message saying no text is found on my document.

I’ve seen similar topics elsewhere and got curious, so I tried it out with a free plan account. But on my end, I was able to upload and explain the contents. The PDF is from arXiv.

If you have links to the PDFs you tried to upload, we can test them as well.

It seems to be an account by account issue. On my plus account, it does not work, but when it’s on another account, it does work with the same PDF. Side note, but I’m also seeing the number of people getting the error increase by the day, I don’t know why. A coupled days ago, only a couple complaints, but now it seems to be regular.


iam having the same problem, and this is really frustrating
any solution?

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I’ve had the same problem for five days in a row. I don’t understand why I can upload PDFs with a free account but can’t do the same with my ChatGPT Plus account!

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Same problem here . I can not upload pdf files to chat gpt, and im paying the subscription.

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They fixed mine today after not working for 5 days straight. Don’t lose hope guys.


9 posts were merged into an existing topic: File Upload I s not working for both GPT Builder and Chat Interface