Unable to upload "image.png"

Hi there. When I tried to upload an image to the dialog box of gpt-4o, an “unable to upload “image.png”” caution was raised.

So how can I deal with it?

You ever figure this out? All of a sudden, I’m having the same problem

I have same problem and no matter I try I couldn’t as it just stuck

Maybe no other way except refreshing the page…

Do you resolve it?
:cold_face: :cold_face: :cold_face: :cold_face:

issue NOT RESOLVED. txt files cannot be uploaded too since ytd.

And OpenAI is not even responding to update awareness on this.

I am having the same issue…
Unable to upload image.png

I had the same issue and I tried a VPN, which resolved the error

I tried using a VPN, and the error continued.