Unable to upload any documents to ChatGPT (I tried PNG, docx, PDF)

Unable to upload many kids of documents to ChatGPT. I tried different file forms such as PNG, docx, PDF. I tried uploading it with the upload button and the Drag and Drop. It works rarely now, it used to work just fine before.


Not even .txt works at the moment.
I suspect OpenAI is working on this issue.


I have same issue on my account since yesterday but my friend’s account works fine on same browser. Looks like it impact part of the user. Please fix.


I have the same issue, I can’t upload any files (Pdf, word, txt, images, etc) since yesterday and my friend also has it working all fine so I keep sending the documents to him for help. Please fix this for me. I tried every method and no use.

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Same issues here. Including documents it’s previously read in the same discussion. It’s like it’s forgetting how to read a document. I had some luck hopping into a new chat but it’s hit or miss since I’m also seeing errors in input stream on most of my chats.

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Facing same issue with creating a simple image and also uploading any document, think it might be account specific which is super irritating, i just upgraded to GPT Plus for the soul reason of working with images and documents and I haven’t been able to generate a sinle image since I took subscription. This is just poor service.


I’m experiencing the same issue. About a week or so ago I was able to upload a file once with no issue, then today I can’t even upload the same file.

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same here, the same problem I had yestarday. Cannot upload docx file.

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Hello, I have the same issue, hopefully OpenAI is working on it.

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i have same Problem, i try anther bru it dont work


same problem,but I can upload zip and pictures

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Same here. cannot upload any type of documents even .txt file. Issue is going on for more than a day now.

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i can upload files, but if i upload a ZIP containing jpg files, the jpg files cant be processed with the OCR-Script by gpt

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same it hasnt been fixed im also experiencing this issue

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same to me i hope there gone fix it fast

Same problem here… not able to upload at all