Unable to load history && just "Error" response

Since my plus account expired, my account has been stuck in “Unable to load history” and a simple “Hello” would return “Error” response.

In console, mostly 403 error ? Forbidden Error ? Was i banned ? something wrong with my account ?
Please let me know so i can fix this.


I am also in this situation. Have you solved the problem? If so, could you please share your solution? :smiling_face_with_tear:

I had the same problem, Unable to load history && just “Error” response,403 error

Try in incognito mode by pressing ctrl+shift+N

I have entered anonymous mode by pressing cmd+shift+N, but the same issue persists after logging in again

Same… Have you solved this problem now?

Still unsolved, suspected of being blocked, and no channels for complaints have been found

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I have the same problem happens today.Dont know how to solve it.

It was solved few days ago. Thank OpenAI dev team <3