This new interface has cost me a lot of time and effort

This new interface does not offer uploading nor does it offer the ‘write for me’ functionality which was starting to be actually useful.

I invested a great deal of time and effort training my write for me chat session to generate the book text in the style and tone and with the references I wanted and to narrate it all together.

Then the new interface comes along and I log back into the account and that chat session is gone. Nowhere to be found. Functionalities are gone, nowhere to be found.

There is only one prompt input that claims it can do everything just fine if I tell it.

But I can’t upload pdt files to it, there is no function for that. So I am left with copy and pasting option only to paste large amounts of information one at a time into the prompt box.

I have literally spent entire sessions trying to reeducate this new chat session and the only consolation I have is that it claims it will remember now.

Sure, that is until the geniuses who push updates to the interface and platform decide that it’s ok to just delete all the previous chat sessions again!

If the developers of the interfaces were users of the service, I wonder if they would think twice before pushing updates that delete massive amounts of time and effort training chat sessions to perform to acceptable parameters?

One would only hope. Alas.

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