This is a topic for raging at the new ChatGPT “fruity” interface.
Almost no one likes the fruity interface, please allow us to switch back. You’re making your platform worse. If you don’t, then people might just drop the product and you’ll lose money.
The AI itself has gotten worse as well, with 4o-mini arguably being worse than 3.5, and use of the better 4o being limited by tokens until you buy Plus.
And it was a mistake to inform them of that Tampermonkey script fixing their breaking of something that wasn’t broken, because now they’re changing it so fast that the script is breaking down.
I personally don’t think that the actual developers want to do this, but that it’s because of the head honchos of OpenAI wanting to “get with the times” and neglecting actual usefulness. I hope this feedback and the feedback of others manages to put enough of a dent in their profits that these people will notice and start doing something.
I signed into this forum a few days ago when my interface changed because it disrupted my workflow.
I replied to a similar message to yours and the next day my interface was rolled back.
I find it very strange that they altered it to the new interface where you have to click more times and scroll through a tiny window to access your old chats.
Where the chats didn’t load at the bottom leading to more scrolling or an extra click on the scroll to the bottom button.
Where the little icon beside what ChatGPT said was removed making it far more likely you would start reading the wrong paragraph.
What are your thoughts on balancing user interface updates with maintaining functionality and user satisfaction, especially in AI platforms like ChatGPT?
Maintaining functionality and user satisfaction is more important than… whatever the heck they are doing right now. It’s like they don’t care about users on any platform with a wide screen. If it ain’t broke, don’t “fix” it just to make it look prettier to you.