The reasoning ability of free Chat Gpt is not up to the mark

I asked the free version of chat GPT a question in electronics and found that it can not reason in a very precise way as follows:
I asked during an ongoing discussion that:
“Then if the larger resistor is placed first to the smaller resistor in voltage divider network, as it would only allow smaller current thus it will dominate current in the circuit because in series circuits, the same current will be determined by this first larger resistor?. Is it correct or not?”

Chat GPT answered me but I picked a paragraph and re-reasoned as follows:
“By this passage"In contrast, if the smaller resistor is placed before the larger resistor in the series circuit (closer to the negative terminal of the battery), it will have a lower resistance compared to the larger resistor, and hence it will allow a larger current to flow. In this case, the smaller resistor will dominate the current flow in the circuit, and the larger resistor will have a smaller current flowing through it”, are you talking from the perspective of electron flow direction of current or conventional flow direction of the current flow because you mentioned placing the smaller resistor first in the series circuit and then referred to that first place as next to the negative terminal of the battery which shows that it can only be true with the electron flow direction in perspective?."

Chat GPT: You are correct, I apologize for any confusion. The passage refers to the electron flow direction of current, also known as the conventional flow direction, which is opposite to the direction of actual electron flow.

In electronic circuits, conventionally, current is assumed to flow from the positive terminal of the battery to the negative terminal, even though the actual flow of electrons is in the opposite direction, from the negative terminal to the positive terminal. This convention, known as conventional current flow, is widely used in electronics and electrical engineering.

So, when referring to the position of resistors in a series circuit relative to the battery terminals, it is based on the conventional current flow direction. When the smaller resistor is placed before the larger resistor in the series circuit (closer to the negative terminal of the battery), it will have a lower resistance compared to the larger resistor, and hence it will allow a larger current to flow based on conventional current flow. In this case, the smaller resistor will dominate the current flow in the circuit, and the larger resistor will have a smaller current flowing through it, based on the conventional current flow direction.
As can be clearly seen, this is jumbled up answer and may require improvement.