Chat GPT failing on math reasoning task

Some of this is ok, and some seems wrong, maybe posting this will be helpful for future development.

tell me about various sorts of products of graphs in graph theory

In graph theory, products of graphs are ways of combining two or more graphs to form a new graph. There are several different types of graph products, including the following:

  1. Cartesian product: The Cartesian product of two graphs G and H, denoted G x H, is a graph with a vertex set that is the Cartesian product of the vertex sets of G and H. The edges of G x H are determined by the edges of G and H, as well as by the connections between vertices that belong to different copies of G and H.
  2. Strong product: The strong product of two graphs G and H, denoted G * H, is a graph with a vertex set that is the Cartesian product of the vertex sets of G and H. In the strong product, there is an edge between two vertices (u, v) and (x, y) if and only if either u = x and (v, y) is an edge in H, or v = y and (u, x) is an edge in G.
  3. Direct product: The direct product of two graphs G and H, denoted G x H, is a graph with a vertex set that is the Cartesian product of the vertex sets of G and H. In the direct product, there is an edge between two vertices (u, v) and (x, y) if and only if (u, x) is an edge in G and (v, y) is an edge in H.
  4. Lexicographic product: The lexicographic product of two graphs G and H, denoted G[H], is a graph with a vertex set that is the Cartesian product of the vertex sets of G and H. In the lexicographic product, there is an edge between two vertices (u, v) and (x, y) if and only if either (u, x) is an edge in G, or (u, x) is not an edge in G and (v, y) is an edge in H.
  5. Strong product with a universal vertex: The strong product with a universal vertex of two graphs G and H, denoted G *’ H, is a graph with a vertex set that is the union of the vertex sets of G and H, plus an additional universal vertex u. In the strong product with a universal vertex, there is an edge between two vertices x and y if and only if either x = u or y = u, or x and y belong to different copies of G and H and are connected by an edge in their respective graphs.

These are just a few examples of the many different types of graph products that have been defined in graph theory. Each type of product has its own characteristics and can be used to model different types of relationships between the graphs being combined.

simplify the language used and avoid using variables

Certainly. Here’s a summary of the various types of graph products using simpler language:

  1. Cartesian product: A new graph is created by combining two existing graphs, with the vertices of the new graph being the combination of the vertices of the two original graphs. The edges in the new graph are determined by the edges in the original graphs, as well as connections between vertices from different copies of the original graphs.
  2. Strong product: A new graph is created by combining two existing graphs, with the vertices of the new graph being the combination of the vertices of the two original graphs. There is an edge between two vertices in the new graph if and only if either one of the vertices belongs to one original graph and the other vertex belongs to the other original graph, or both vertices belong to the same original graph and are connected by an edge in that graph.
  3. Direct product: A new graph is created by combining two existing graphs, with the vertices of the new graph being the combination of the vertices of the two original graphs. There is an edge between two vertices in the new graph if and only if the two vertices belong to different original graphs and are connected by an edge in their respective graphs.
  4. Lexicographic product: A new graph is created by combining two existing graphs, with the vertices of the new graph being the combination of the vertices of the two original graphs. There is an edge between two vertices in the new graph if and only if either one of the vertices belongs to one original graph and the other vertex belongs to the other original graph, or both vertices belong to the same original graph and are connected by an edge in that graph, but only if the first vertex is not connected to the second vertex by an edge in the first original graph.
  5. Strong product with a universal vertex: A new graph is created by combining two existing graphs, with the vertices of the new graph being the combination of the vertices of the two original graphs, plus an additional vertex that is connected to all other vertices. There is an edge between two vertices in the new graph if and only if either one of the vertices is the additional universal vertex, or the two vertices belong to different original graphs and are connected by an edge in their respective graphs.

reduce repetition

Certainly. Here’s a revised summary of the various types of graph products using simpler language:

  1. Cartesian product: A new graph is created by combining two existing graphs, with the vertices of the new graph being the combination of the vertices of the two original graphs. The edges in the new graph are determined by the edges in the original graphs, as well as connections between vertices from different copies of the original graphs.
  2. Strong product: A new graph is created by combining two existing graphs, with the vertices of the new graph being the combination of the vertices of the two original graphs. There is an edge between two vertices in the new graph if either one of the vertices belongs to one original graph and the other vertex belongs to the other original graph, or both vertices belong to the same original graph and are connected by an edge in that graph.
  3. Direct product: A new graph is created by combining two existing graphs, with the vertices of the new graph being the combination of the vertices of the two original graphs. There is an edge between two vertices in the new graph if the two vertices belong to different original graphs and are connected by an edge in their respective graphs.
  4. Lexicographic product: A new graph is created by combining two existing graphs, with the vertices of the new graph being the combination of the vertices of the two original graphs. There is an edge between two vertices in the new graph if either one of the vertices belongs to one original graph and the other vertex belongs to the other original graph, or both vertices belong to the same original graph and are connected by an edge in that graph, but only if the first vertex is not connected to the second vertex by an edge in the first original graph.


“a new graph is created by combining two existing graphs, with the vertices of the two original graphs. The edges of the new graph and determined by” keeps being repeated, refactor to prevent this.

Certainly. Here is a revised summary of the various types of graph products using simpler language:

  1. Cartesian product: A new graph is formed by combining two existing graphs, with the vertices of the new graph being the combination of the vertices of the two original graphs. The edges in the new graph are determined by the edges in the original graphs, as well as connections between vertices from different copies of the original graphs.
  2. Strong product: A new graph is formed by combining two existing graphs, with the vertices of the new graph being the combination of the vertices of the two original graphs. There is an edge between two vertices in the new graph if either one of the vertices belongs to one original graph and the other vertex belongs to the other original graph, or both vertices belong to the same original graph and are connected by an edge in that graph.
  3. Direct product: A new graph is formed by combining two existing graphs, with the vertices of the new graph being the combination of the vertices of the two original graphs. There is an edge between two vertices in the new graph if the two vertices belong to different original graphs and are connected by an edge in their respective graphs.
  4. Lexicographic product: A new graph is formed by combining two existing graphs, with the vertices of the new graph being the combination of the vertices of the two original graphs. There is an edge between two vertices in the new graph if either one of the vertices belongs to one original graph and the other vertex belongs to the other original graph, or both vertices belong to the same original graph and are connected by an edge in that graph, but only if the first vertex is not connected to the second vertex by an edge in the first original graph.


depict this with diagrams

I apologize, but I am not able to create or display diagrams. However, I can describe each of the graph products using text and examples to help you understand them better.

  1. Cartesian product: The Cartesian product of two graphs G and H is a new graph formed by taking the Cartesian product of the vertex sets of G and H. For example, if G has vertex set {1, 2, 3} and H has vertex set {a, b, c}, then the vertex set of G x H is {(1,a), (1,b), (1,c), (2,a), (2,b), (2,c), (3,a), (3,b), (3,c)}. The edges in G x H are determined by the edges in G and H, as well as connections between vertices that belong to different copies of G and H. For example, if G has the edges (1,2) and (2,3), and H has the edges (a,b) and (b,c), then G x H would have the edges ((1,a),(2,a)), ((2,a),(3,a)), ((1,b),(2,b)), ((2,b),(3,b)), ((1,c),(2,c)), and ((2,c),(3,c)).


What does an operation that multiplies graphs need to be valid?

For an operation that multiplies two graphs to be valid, the two graphs being multiplied must be “compatible”, meaning that they have the same number of vertices. This requirement is necessary because the graph product operations typically involve taking the Cartesian product of the vertex sets of the two graphs, which requires that the two sets have the same number of elements.

For example, if we want to take the Cartesian product of two graphs G and H, the number of vertices in G must be equal to the number of vertices in H. If this is not the case, then the Cartesian product of the vertex sets of G and H will not be well-defined, and the graph product operation will not be valid.

It is also possible to define graph product operations that do not involve taking the Cartesian product of the vertex sets, in which case the compatibility requirement may be different. For example, the strong product of two graphs G and H is defined as a graph with a vertex set that is the Cartesian product of the vertex sets of G and H, but the edges are determined by the edges in G and H, rather than by the connections between vertices in different copies of the original graphs. In this case, the compatibility requirement for the strong product is that the two graphs G and H must have the same number of vertices.

Overall, the specific compatibility requirements for a given graph product operation will depend on the specific definition of that operation.

that’s wrong

I apologize if my previous response was not helpful. It is possible that I misunderstood your question or provided information that was not accurate. Can you please provide more context or clarify your question? I will do my best to assist you to the best of my ability.

How many different types of multiplication are there beyond the standard 5, could I design new types of multiplication of graphs forever or are their only a finite number of them?

There are many different ways in which two graphs can be combined to form a new graph, and there are several different types of graph products that have been defined in graph theory. The five types of graph products that I previously mentioned (Cartesian product, strong product, direct product, lexicographic product, and strong product with a universal vertex) are just a few examples of the many different types of graph products that have been studied.

It is possible to define new types of graph products by coming up with different ways of combining two graphs to form a new graph. For example, one could define a graph product that takes the union of the vertex sets of two graphs and connects two vertices by an edge if they belong to different original graphs and have the same degree. This would be a new type of graph product that has not previously been studied.

In general, there is no limit to the number of different types of graph products that can be defined. However, the usefulness and relevance of a particular graph product will depend on the specific context in which it is used, and it is possible that some types of graph products may be less widely studied or used than others.

this seems like Direct Multiplication, the most common sort of graph multiplication, it’s not new at all

I apologize if my previous response was not clear. When I mentioned the example of a graph product that takes the union of the vertex sets of two graphs and connects two vertices by an edge if they belong to different original graphs and have the same degree, I was not intending to describe the direct product. Instead, I was simply providing an example of how one could define a new type of graph product by coming up with a different way of combining two graphs to form a new graph.

The direct product, which I previously described as a graph product in which there is an edge between two vertices if and only if the two vertices belong to different original graphs and are connected by an edge in their respective graphs, is indeed a widely studied type of graph product. It is not a new concept, and it is not the most common sort of graph multiplication. The five types of graph products that I previously mentioned (Cartesian product, strong product, direct product, lexicographic product, and strong product with a universal vertex) are just a few examples of the many different types of graph products that have been defined and studied in graph theory.

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Yeah, it’s by no means perfect at this stage. The rate of improvement has been astounding, though.

One of the best ways to help is to use their thumbs up / thumbs down in ChatGPT…

Good to see you back on the forums!

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We’ve recently had some great topics that discuss how and why ChatGPT/GPT-3 fail at various types of math problems:

The short answer is that ChatGPT and GPT-3 are language models. They are meant to predict the next series of words and cannot complete certain types of math problems without additional resources.


I had similar issues with text-davinci003 telling me that the shorter the wavelength of light, the less energy there is! (Which is incorrect) I tried probing around asking if its sure and to explain why to no avail it was positive it was the truth. Ill test on other models and create a new topic asap if the issue hasnt already been addressed.