Suggestions to Improve Plugin Experience

As an avid user and developer of ChatGPT plugins, here are some suggestions to improve the plugin ecosystem for both developers and users. Feel free to share your own suggestions.

  • There are so many plugins right now. There should be a search bar so that we can search for plugins by name or description.
  • Plugins should show a more detailed description, including what it does and how we can use them. For example, it’s not obvious you should send a link to a PDF for the AskYourPDF plugin. (BTW you can ask ChatGPT to explain how to use the plugin)
  • Plugins should show the author, contact, and legal information.
  • Plugins should be categorized. For example travel, shopping, entertainment, etc.

In the meantime, this can be useful: pluginshow .com

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OpenAI should consider hosting the logo image from each plugin. A great portion of bandwidth consumption is for sending the image.

I agree it would be great if there was more information. Having an actual plugin site where we could browse with full details rather then the snippets you get from the current system would be great. Often I don’t know how a plugin works and GPT4 gets confused as well.

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how can I install those plugins ?

The plugins seem to only be available to ChatGPT Plus members. To install, you can go to chat. openai . com, at the top choose GPT-4 and there is a drop-down under GPT-4 button, where you can search and install plugins

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Give a try for plugin discovery too! We have enhanced search, categories and sort. We have private and public plugins with instructions on how to install private ones.

OpenAI should consider hosting the logo image from each plugin. A great portion of bandwidth consumption is for sending the image.

You could add Cache-Control headers to the response so the logo won’t be fetched for each request.


Yes, absolutely! It’s also messing up the logfiles alot. We can see how many times someone clicks through the plugin overview page…