Spec doesn't seem to refresh

It seems that once you’ve imported the plugin, the spec changes do not reflect.
I might be missing something, but it keeps on trying operationId: addTodo after the initial example.

Is there a way to uninstall the plugin and reinstall?

Yep, you can uninstall and reinstall from a new chat:
CleanShot 2023-04-10 at 19.57.50

just find you plugin under Unverified plugins

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I can not get mine to refresh at all. I’ve allowed it through Cloudflare, changed versions, uninstalled from chat. Viewed the updated files in a browser, and then go to add the unverified plugin, and it’s the same one as before. Any tricks I should be doing to get a revised version working?

It is a bit of a hassle especially. You can definitely make updates to the API without having to reinstall but any updates to the ai-plugin.json or api.yaml requires a reinstall.

It seems like OpenAPI.yaml is pulled every time when the conversation started. Not sure that if openapi.yaml is parsed at the beginning of each chat interaction. It will be nice we get some clarification from OrpnAI team or maybe it is in the Dev docs somewhere but I am missing it.

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Something has changed recently, and the OpenAPI spec is not being updated. Furthermore, it seems like it may be partially cached.

This is causing in UnrecognizedKwargsError even when ChatGPT tries to use the correct arguments in the request.

Additionally, seemingly related because I haven’t seen this until today, ChatGPT is completely making up properties in the request.

I am seeing similar thing with GPT making up properties not respecting openapi.yaml. I have tried tweaking description of end_point but still 50/50 when it works.