Note: Do not give this post a like (heart), give it in the first post as Clay created the unofficial status site, this post is here because as a new user Clay could not post links or images but as a moderator I can.
So the official status doesn’t seem to capture non-catastrophic but still elevated rates of errors or slowness. This unofficial OpenAI status page fixes that.
The official status page is updated manually I believe.
So when there is an outage it won’t help to check that right away because it requires some staff intervention to update.
I could see your service being valuable if it was offered as a paid API. So long as you did global tracking. Programs could ping your service for network health and not make calls unless the network health was in a certain parameter.
if every week several different prompts that have different types of results and/or focus were given to the models and then recorded, then there would be a factual record of the changes.
I tend to think the general idea that the models change with time is valid but there is a lack of recorded evidence over time.
The problem with bot monitoring ChatGPT generation is the usage runs afoul:
You may not … (iv) except as permitted through the API, use any automated or programmatic method to extract data or output from the Services, including scraping, web harvesting, or web data extraction;
OpenAI has put in place a CAPTCHA for plus users to break those automatons that would try to even utilize ChatGPT to the capacity that API gives or the model access that API currently denies them.
Usage Requirements
(c) Restrictions
(iv) except as permitted through the API, use any automated or programmatic method to extract data or output from the Services, including scraping, web harvesting, or web data extraction