Hey everybody,
Off to a great start! We’ve had over 250,000 requests in a matter of a few days, and the backend is holding up nicely.
Web Requests in its most capable form is sort of a starter autonomous agent, in a sense. If you know how to prompt it right, it will string together a whole myriad requests and combine them into a single task you set it to on chat.openai.com. Which I think is a win for two reasons – For one, it’s a far more accessible – and safe – inroad for everyday people into the realm of auto-GPT, And two ,it’s just freaking useful!
A few areas I’m branching into next are:
DecideGPT – A unique exploration into Human & AI consensus
https://twitter.com/JD_2020/status/1656769613470859267?s=20 -
Web3 safety and fraud prevention – this is sort of my bread and butter, but I have an immense amount of classified data I am eager to put to work on all sorts of confirmed, validated fraud patterns and signatures on the blockchain. Web Requests can be a powerful pairing for this kind of thing…
https://twitter.com/JD_2020/status/1663434091063132160?s=20 -
Retrieval / embeddings integration. Just a premium feature that could give coders (and writers, anybody really) a little storage locker that could seamlessly integrate with Web Requests. Simple enough.
Javascript rendering / functional core feature set premium feature development. Highe rate limits, faster speeds, more advanced modules, etc.
Would love to hear your thoughts!
@JD_2020 on Twitter.