OpenAI Dev-Day 2023: Dev-Day Discussion!

These new tools are amazing, they will take the vast majority of the hard work out of making things work smoothly.

  • But as someone who’s spent the past 3 months building systems to do these very same things… I find myself sorta reeling from this afternoons livestream.

Is this the new state of things you think?

  • Spend hundreds of hours working on something…
  • To then abandon all your work for the newest thing?
  • Then again next year?
  • And again… 6 months from then?

I guess this is something that I’ll just have to come to grips with. The new normal will be to spend all ones time and efforts on something, only to have it nullified at some point in the very close future.

  • Good time to learn detachment I guess :rofl:

I find myself looking forward, with my developer hat on, and I have no idea how to operate like that.

  • If there were some “openness” here, and I knew that in 3 months OpenAi was going to pull the rug… maybe I wouldn’t have wasted my time?

Makes me wonder if I should spend my time working on anything with these new tools - because it seems like it’s just going to go to waste, like it has for so many others. (ie. PDF chatting)

Todays has been quite the whirlwind… super excited and amazing to hear about all the new advancements, only to have the reality of things sink in once I started looking at the documentation. I’m super excited, don’t get me wrong, things look like they’ll progress much faster.

  • I guess I just wish I would have known not to waste my time is all I’m both excited and depressed.

#CognitiveDissonance lol

Anyone else in the same boat?

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