OpenAI API usage limit for free account

I am new in this development field, and i am facing issue while using OenAI API, I have attached the screenshot of postman,

and in my usage dashboard it shows 0$/5$.

Do i need to add credits before using it or we get some free credit for free account. Please help me out!!

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Nope! Not anymore, unfortunately.

It’s unfortunately more confusing than necessary. Possibly due to legacy reasons.

You need to charge your account and preload some money (note that these credits may or may not expire within 1 year). Then you may or may not need to cycle your API keys before things start working.

the /5$ refers to your theoretical monthly(?) spending limit, it doesn’t actually reflect how much money you have in your account. Note that this has historically been unreliable.

I hope this helps you at least get started, let us know if you run into any more hitches!


Thanks for your time and information, Please let me know if i purchase the plus subscription, will i be getting any developer feature for just testing API for free or still I have to add some funds to it and then only i can do testing.
hopefully you got my point.


You need to go to

ChatGPT is almost completely unrelated to anything.