"Oops an error occurred try again" error every time I try to create Custom GPT

I am having the same issue.

  1. On Mac Chrome browser → click my icon in top right and click ‘My GPTs’
  2. Select Create a GPT option.
  3. ‘Oops, an error occurred!’ message appears with a ‘Try Again’ button below. When I press that button nothing registers. If I refresh the browser it shows the same error message.
  4. If I go back in the browser to the previous page before the error message and then refresh my page I now have an ‘Untitled’ Custom GPT in there. If I try to edit it or click into it the same error message appears. Only thing I can do is delete it.
    Thanks @rjm2g11 for write up which was similar to my problem.

Also, if I am in the main chat window inside of a GPT and I try to edit I get the same error.


There’s no way to make a copy. Hitting pencils attempts to edit (and it errors out) and the three dots only let me delete.


Still getting the same error


I also have the problem since the 8th of this month. Still not able to create or edit custom GPTs. Getting error “oops, an error occurred!”


I’m also having the same issue, looks like some issue with their API. Its failing because the API is returning an error “No config for gizmo”


+1 I have been experiencing this for the past week. Hope this is resolved soon.


I have tried clearing history/cache, logging in/out, removing chrome extensions, using different browsers, using different computers on different networks, and nothing has worked. Still getting the “Oops, an error occurred!” message whenever attempting to open my existing custom GPT, and when trying to create a new custom GPT.

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When trying to create custom GPT or edit a creted one, I get error: Oops, an error occurred! Try again screan. Its like that pretty much all day now.


I am having the exact same issue.

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“Oops, an error occurred!”
It seam GPT tries to open a side bare or a canvas. And this let it crash.
Very bad reaction because we can not see what caused it. I could never stop the browser before the error message.

In case you have problems updating a MyGPT. (@vb)
It must be shorter then 8000 characters.
Don’t use { } because they mess up the JSON. (and GPT again has no error check function to tell us.)

This 2 errors are maybe not related (“Oops, an error occurred!” , and MyGPT update.)


Same issue …
When creating a new GPT - error message
Going back - the new GPT has been created - but when you click the pencil - the error message is there again.
I tried a lot of things proposed by the support team : clear caches and cookies, clear history browser, try other browser, other Pc, iPhone, log out, log in, restart PC, I tried even to pay for another account … nothing solves for it…
Anybody has another idea or got it solved?

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I’m having the same issue with My GPTs; errors keep popping up whenever I open it or try to create a new one.

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I am also getting this error. Has anyone fixed this? Very annoying.

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Also having same issue all day today (from around 9am until now around 5:30pm). Issue occurs when creating new or updating pre-existing custom GPTs.

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Same problem with our GPTs (reproduced today):

  1. Create new GPT → error
  2. Edit existing GPT → error
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The issue has been forwarded to OpenAI.
I hope this gets resolved soon for everyone still experiencing issues.


same here. just joined Plus a couple days ago as well. It’s still not working for me.

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Same here also…“Oops, an error occurred!”

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I have the same symptoms. It’s very frustrating. When I go to edit, it keeps repeating “Oops, an error occurred!”

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same here when trying to create a GPT i reported on the email: support@openai.com they told me they will look into it

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