Once the tier is upgraded, does it not downgrade even if the usage decreases?

I’m planning to upgrade to Tier 5 and make a $1000 payment due to RPM and TPM issues. If my OpenAI API usage decreases afterward and my spending reduces accordingly, could my tier be downgraded, or would I still need to maintain the $1000 payment?

The tier system is a trust level, based on past payments that OpenAI has received, and the time that has passed to ensure that there was no chargeback or fraud.

It currently considers all previous payments you have made, so you should maintain that tier even after inactivity or using all credits. It would be illogical but profitable to compel people to make unnecessary payments, such as “forgetting” the past establishment of payments.

OpenAI has compelled excessive prepayment, though, having done this for GPT-4o, dropping the tokens-per-minute limit for tier 1 by a magnitude, to where even a single assistants request can fail if you haven’t paid $50. Therefore one cannot make absolute statements about the future.


Thank you so much for your response! Your answer provided me with the clarity I needed, and I feel much more confident about the situation now. Thanks again