Increasing Usage Tier Payment Question

Will paying the tier minimum in one payment automatically qualify my account for that tier?

I’m in Tier 2 right now and get this error message from the API when I try to create a fine tuning job using gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18:

Your organization must qualify for at least usage tier 4 to fine-tune gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18. See for more details on usage tiers.

I’ve only spent $60. If I click “Add to credit balance” and make the amount $190, will that automatically bump my account into Tier 4?

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Provided that 14 days have elapsed since your first payment, you should be upgraded to Tier 4 after adding another $190. However, it might still take a couple of days for this to come into effect.


It worked! It updated the tier instantly

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