Can you help me with a guide to check if im owner of project like api response said?
because its not possible i cant delete this finetune model… search in other topics i see other people can delete…
In organization overview, i click in apikeys i have just two.
1 -
11/06/2024 3/09/2024 AIPlace Lucas Bergamo All
2 - GeneralAPI
3/09/2024 Never AIPlace generalapi All
As an owner of this organization, you can view and manage all API keys in this organization.
DELETE method in this url:
“error”: {
“message”: “You have insufficient permissions for this operation. Missing scopes: api.delete. Check that you have the correct role in your organization (Owner), and if you’re using a restricted API key, that it has the necessary scopes.”,
“type”: “server_error”,
“param”: null,
“code”: null
How can i add scope delete ? these 2 apikeys are organization apikeys
how can i check this?
(must be an owner of the org the model was created in
I know the job is one thing and delete model is another… i want delete the model…the job record dont have any kind problem.
…I need create another account? or i can still use this one… because i create a organization for our company
i think its is a bigproblem you create a lot of finetune for your company or users… and you cant remove after if you dont need this model tuned anymore… its like garbage and you cant empty that…
but if i have wrong configuration (api or organization) im here asking help.