Finetune Delete / Completion API - Not working!


Im facing a big challenge with this situation about delete finedtunes throught by api / postman

1 - I create a new account
2 - This account have organization with all information
3 - put funds in this account
4 - Have one project
5 - Inside organization overview in apikeys have 2 apikeys with ALL permission

1 - Upload a file with postman and is sucess
2 - init a finedtuned with this fileid and is sucess
3 - the finetuned is finished with sucess


4 - completion chat with finedtuned its working

But the problem is:

5 - Delete the finedtuned not working

delete method =

I receive this response.

“error”: {
“message”: “You have insufficient permissions for this operation. Missing scopes: api.delete. Check that you have the correct role in your organization (Owner), and if you’re using a restricted API key, that it has the necessary scopes.”,
“type”: “server_error”,
“param”: null,
“code”: null

Please help me with this situation…have a lot of models here that i dont need anymore in our company and we need delete them.

I think a lot os users of openai api suffer with this bug.
have some right way to configure account to be onwer of organization? i try all e always same result.
