My credit balance is decreasing on its own even though I’m not using it. I’ve also deleted all APIs and disabled the API keys. The activity seems normal as well. However, the billing page still shows a decrease in balance when I refresh the page, and the used limit also increases. Has anyone experienced the same issue?
Yep, the same, I had invoice $10, spent about $2 and now there is a zero money on credit balance. I checked every month at Usage page, but it’s anyway spent just $2 at all, not more. Where is other $8 I can’t find.
Hi and welcome,
You should revoke your API keys right away, please also see this section on the site:
I’ll do.
But I can’t find in the Settings interface When and How these money spent. Checking Usage page could’t help to find it out.
Usage page you now need to select org/project in the top left of the page.
I checked all of them - there are just two projects
It still strange.
As outlined on our Service Credit Terms page, service credits are non-refundable and expire one year after the date of purchase or issuance if not used.
I didn’t expect this. Okay, good to know.