My balance keeps draining even when not using. I decided to delete all my keys but 1, and it is stored server side. Still my balance drains when not even using.
You should revoke all keys and create new ones, also check to see if anyone else has access to your server.
You should also contact and use the bot in the bottom right corner to report the issue to OpenAI.
We don’t have the ability to look at account issues on the developer forum, you can also view this advice:
My Keys have been revoked as per my original post. If someone had access my balance would be 0 because I only add $7 at a time. What I am seeing is a slow decrease of my balance without any requests to the API. I have reviewed my firebase fn logs and timestamps and can see all my requests. Happens even with a brand new api key.
Probably it is expired. Unless you use credits, they will gone.