Credit Balance Going to $0 Even Though No Usage?

Hi All,

Just curious if anyone else has experienced this. I had a $0 balance, put in $40, the next day even though there was no usage (which I confirmed on the Dashboard) I’m back down to $0.

Anyone else had this problem?

Welcome back!

Are you looking at usage for all orgs?

What does it show on your billing page?

Hi Paul :slight_smile:

It’s very strange. I only have the default org setup. I can see on my billing page a confirmed payment of $50 from yesterday, and I know it worked because I was able to use my account again. Then today it’s back down to $0 (there was only ~$1 of usage since yesterday).

Woah, this is getting even crazier, I put another $20 dollar in and I’m refreshing the Billing overview page and I can see my money being drained even though there is no usage! Going down like 20 cents very minute or so…

Sounds like your key got leaked somehow maybe?

Sign out of any ChatGPT instance. Do you use any browser extensions or anything?

I’d also reach out to right now with all relevant details.

Ok… so I was able to figure this out, of course only after posting about this… but just incase anyone else gets into this situation here is what happened.

I was in fact consuming tokens via bad code that was generating images. However, this usage was not showing up on the default project dashboard (even though it is the only project I have). The usage is only showing up if I switched to “Organization View” and then went to the Usage dashboard. I guess for some reason this usage was not being tagged to any project.

Good thing I only fund what I need each week right now and have auto recharge off.

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