Make GPT return clickable links in chat

I’ve supplied my GPT with a knowledgebase PDF that includes links, but it still often won’t provide those links to the user. I’ve explicitly told it to return direct links but it often won’t.


Hi @annarmills

You can simply mention in the instructions in the GPT Builder view:
"Use markdown to include clickable links in the chat"

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That doesn’t work either: the URLs become unclickable after being displayed.

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You can specify the markdown syntax to use

[Visit OpenAI!](

Here it is working on my ChatGPT instance:


There used to be an issue where constructed links were disallowed.

however, there now seems to be a whitelist of some sort. The youtube url works, and the second one becomes unclickable. conversation

So it’s possible that you’re running into this issue, unfortunately :confused:

they only become clickable if they’re explicitly in the context: ChatGPT

edit: chat link wasn’t updated properly

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You are using a mobile device?
Try on a desktop or laptop.

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Here you go:

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Yes, it works if I get the Chat to generate the link during a conversation, or if I included a hardcoded URL.
But it doesn’t work if my GPT gets the URL from its Excel knowledge file and presents it as part of its response.

Is there some type of restriction about displaying “generated” URLs?
For example, if the URL includes a GUID.
Is there really a white-list like it was mentioned above?

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is this legal? will I got ban or my GPT removed, if I add a link

Popping up ads in the responses from a GPT certainly won’t endear yourself to users, who have a “report” button…

I am adding link to download list of numbers , that help them to work with my custochatGPT. , you said some users will report the GPT for what? I read Open ai terms, so I dont use anything that agains there terms. but of course dont want to get baned., I have option to add Paid link to my store, or give them for free… that also . I have , so not sure how that works,

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something like this , will be a problem?

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Having the AI produce markdown links that can be clicked on is not prohibited.

See, for example, a GPT I just whipped up to do searches and clicks behind the scenes to make sure it is giving real links. It then answers only with site recommendations.

(The AI cannot produce reliable links simply from its knowledge.)

It can offer links to files it created in code interpreter, file citations, and more.

I’m sure you’ll have a sense of what kind of links could run afoul of user expectations on OpenAI’s platform. Something that bypasses a site’s paywall or ads to offer their content would likely be objectionable to the publisher and therefore OpenAI.

There’s nothing that I’m aware of that prohibits links on GPTs.

I don’t believe it’s the link sharing that will get an account banned; instead, it’s what you’re sharing in the link.

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I just struggled with exactly the same topic yesterday. When I wanted to create my

Island explorer GPT

Sometimes the links were clickable, sometimes they weren’t.

Some things happened when I tried to create

A movie Recommendator GPT

And wanted it to output the posters for each movie as well. Some versions worked. Some didn’t.

So here’s what OpenAI says itself about this:

Why aren’t my links clickable? GPTs


Why aren’t my GPT links clickable?

Updated over a year ago

If a URL you’re trying to reference is partially model-generated, the link output by ChatGPT won’t be clickable.

To make a link clickable, your custom action will need to output the full, qualified URL for the model to reference. A fully qualified URL includes all necessary components, including the scheme (http or https), domain, path and any query parameters.

If you want clickable links, do the following:

  1. Check URL format: Ensure the URL starts with “http://” or “https://”.

  2. Validate domain and path: Confirm the domain is correctly spelled and the path accurately leads to the intended content.

  3. Review the custom action’s URL generation: If the URL is dynamically generated, review your action to ensure it constructs the URL correctly.


I tested a bunch of possibilities.

Here was my basic method (In this case a link to for example - A search for a search term on chatgpt search with a query that was appended in the chat message.

(These Links Worked with a link to ChatGPT Search ^^)

This was results:

User Domain: (ht\tp://
ChatGPT Search: (ht\tps:// Term)
OpenAI Forum Search: ht\tps://

(ht\tps:// Term)
Worked with + in the URL query… Maybe too short for recognition ^^

Worked when entered without editing ie asking to add the search term failed but supplying full url with search term worked

User Domain With Query String failed for me without url_encoding search term: (ht\tp:// Term)

Seemed important to include + signs for spaces ie url_encoded query string for more chance of matching
ht\tp:// openai forum

UserDomain was verified, not sure if that makes a difference

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The language you are using could confusing The Chat. Returning doesnt imply for it to give to the users. It implies for it give it back to you.

Using include is much clearer.

I hate the embedded (Hidden) links Tabs. Its disruptive to the workflow. They arent available when copied.

I’d rather have all references, links, & in-text citations in APA Format in Plainview.