(Main Topic) ChatGPT not loading completely, can't log in; only plain text "Free Research Preview. ChatGPT August 3 Version" [issue Sept 20-26+ from new domain]

Does your company have a tier 2 tech support that can reprimand un-useful tier 1 agents??

The problem seen is still the same type of issue as widely reported: assets from a newly-registered site where ChatGPT resources were moved (like the CSS that makes that text formatted) are not being loaded.


  1. The DNS lookup of the site is unsuccessful because of some DNS policy, propagation issue, or misconfiguration
  2. The firewall or proxy or other ISP or company security software blocks loading the backend resources from the new domain because new=untrustworthy.

Link and some procedures to test the domain:

You either will get a bunch of CSS code, which means that it is now working, or you get two results:

1 - site not found, connection reset: DNS still a problem
2 - site blocked, refused, HTTP code page. Firewall policy problem.

cmd.exe (or other command line DNS tool on your machine):
nslookup cdn.oaistatic.com

  • do you get a Cloudflare-hosted ip address like 104.18.xx.xx?
  • Or is it instead “non-existent domain” or some firewall’s IP blackhole.

That will tell you if you

  • should continue with DNS server changes on your machine as a possible solution,
  • or if you need to disable firewalls and security software, or use a connection method without stupid policies.
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