Does your company have a tier 2 tech support that can reprimand un-useful tier 1 agents??
The problem seen is still the same type of issue as widely reported: assets from a newly-registered site where ChatGPT resources were moved (like the CSS that makes that text formatted) are not being loaded.
- The DNS lookup of the site is unsuccessful because of some DNS policy, propagation issue, or misconfiguration
- The firewall or proxy or other ISP or company security software blocks loading the backend resources from the new domain because new=untrustworthy.
Link and some procedures to test the domain:
You either will get a bunch of CSS code, which means that it is now working, or you get two results:
1 - site not found, connection reset: DNS still a problem
2 - site blocked, refused, HTTP code page. Firewall policy problem.
cmd.exe (or other command line DNS tool on your machine):
- do you get a Cloudflare-hosted ip address like 104.18.xx.xx?
- Or is it instead “non-existent domain” or some firewall’s IP blackhole.
That will tell you if you
- should continue with DNS server changes on your machine as a possible solution,
- or if you need to disable firewalls and security software, or use a connection method without stupid policies.