Is there a minimum payment threshold?

I started using the API late last month, but not much, I think only about $0.03 worth.

But I was not charged for anything at the end of the month.

With the general release of GPT-4, how can I gain access to that right now?

I’m assuming, since I did not have a “past bill” or an amount big enough for a bill, that I couldn’t get access to GPT4.

Will I have to wait till the end of the month?

I’ve already sent support an email, just curious if anyone here had any insights.

From How can I access GPT-4? | OpenAI Help Center

Today all existing API developers with a history of successful payments can access the GPT-4 API with 8K context. We plan to open up access to new developers by the end of this month

So you will get it by the end of the month anyway, but if you have at least 1 successful payment, it’s today.

This happens to me a few months back. My usage did not amount to even $1 USD and was not charged at the end of the month as I expected. But since I was using the service continually, I noticed that some usage fee for the month after was added in the previous month and the payment proceeded. I think they or the credit card processing has minimum payment which you would expect.

It’s not cost-effective to charge small amounts in credit cards, so makes sense they would rollover the charges. As far as GPT4 access for paying members, hard to say how they’ll handle that. You’ll just need to wait and check, there’s limited billing support staff right now and these community forums don’t have much beyond the published info.

Has anyone else discovered the threshold? Have you been invoiced at > $1, $3, $5?
I haven’t at the <$0.50 range, so i need to figure out how much I run up to qualify.