Say I use the API very sparingly, a really small amount down to 3 decimal places. At the end of the month, does Open AI charge it? Is there a minimum usage that will be charged?
Is this a prepaid model?
Say I use the API very sparingly, a really small amount down to 3 decimal places. At the end of the month, does Open AI charge it? Is there a minimum usage that will be charged?
Is this a prepaid model?
same question here, specifically if there is any static fee to even begin, and keep it running no matter if I used it or no in given month?
OpenAI API runs on a pre-pay credit system now with I believe a $5 minimum. The credits are good for one year only. Auto-recharge is also available, and you can set limits for usageā¦
You can find a lot more information in the Quickstart Guideā¦