If I buy credits using the prepay option, will that count towards the API spend required to get the next higher usage tier? Or do I need to spend the prepaid balance on actual API calls before the usage tier is increased?
Here’s what I’m trying to do in detail:
On the Limits page, it says that my tokens per minute limit for gpt-4-1106-preview is 80,000. It appears that this means I cannot send requests using the full 128k token window. (Update: no longer true)
At the bottom of the Limits page, it shows the following:
14 days did pass since the first successful payment, so it seems that I’ll reach tier 4 when I have “at least $250 spent on the API since account creation”.
So now I’m wondering if I can just buy $250 in credits (minus whatever I’ve spent so far) and it’ll automatically bump me?
In case it makes a difference, the Billing overview says that I’m on a “Pay as you go” account, and “You’ll be billed at the end of each calendar month for usage during that month.” Though it also offers me the option to buy credits.