I’m James lee from Korea.
I have been making, upgrading, promoting my GPTs since the first day of GPTs launch. I know GPT store is not a main business of OpenAI at the moment so that they do not care about it much.
However, I really like the GPTs and believe one day they will care about it again so still I have been spending my times on it.
As a result of doing so, I have a number of popular GPTs and one of them has 2M+ Usage.
I also wrote a book about GPTs last December and it’s best seller in Korea. It’s being sold very quickly and now more than 4,000ea is sold less than in 2 months.
Also, I have been running AI communities and introducing GPTs there as well. I’m teach classes about how to make and promote GPTs and recently appeared on public news and Youtube podcast in Korea as well to introduce GPTs
My situation is following
Last October (Solved)
5 of my popular GPTs got banned last October when my book was 2/3 finished
- That time my appeals were approved 9 days after I submitted appeal. All of them were approved together.
- I was really stressed out and sick since I was no longer able to write books and my relationship with my publisher was in trouble.
Yesterday (On-going)
One of them is banned again.
- This is one of the GPTs banned last October which was approved.
- I haven’t added any instructions that may violate OpenAI Policy. I’m now changing the instruction very carefully since I experienced the ban last October.
- Now I’m also in trouble again since this GPT is one of the main topic of my book and lectures.
BANNED GPTS’ URL: https://chatgpt.com/g/g-Vrk9qUa4b-caesgpt-hangugeo-muryo-beojeon
Someone might think why you don’t just submit the appeal and wait for OpenAI’s approval.
What I can answer to that is:
I’m now communicating many GPT builders around the world and many of them is waiting for approval for months. Some had waited for months and gave up in the end and left the store
If I don’t share my situation like this, I may find myself in the same situation just waiting for months. I can only do this because it affects the content of my lectures and books.
I hope OPENAI understand that it’s not only about me. There are still builders out there creating and developing GPTS.
Please, too many GPTs are faulty banned. Even GRIMOIRE while it’s on the featured list, and CODE COPILOT, a global top GPT, were banned as well. They got back very quickly since they are well-knowned so that OpenAI cares about them. But for most of the builders, theres no way but to wait…
I hope OpenAI staff see this message and update the process of reviewing appeal system of banned GPTs.
Thanks for reading it.