I volunteer to take Adam D’Angelo’s spot on the Board of Directors

Hey there,

I have contributed in OpenAI open source repositories in the past and I am a technology officer of an edtech that deeply relies on OpenAI models.

Adam D’Angelo on the other hand has a model that competes with OpenAI and I can see a conflict of interest that should free up his position on the board.

How do I apply?

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This is the developer forum, this has nothing to do with that.

If you wish to apply please see Careers

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Well, the endpoint says community and I am a developer. There currently isn’t a way to apply and since some employees respond here some times I though it was worth a shot.

I also put this on the community topic with an off-topic tag.

Outside of the careers link, do you have any other suggestions? I’ve tried twitter as well. I’m not sure if any of the board members have contributed to open source projects and I though it would be interesting to be there.

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The community category is for issues relating to the developer community, while certainly action packed, recent events and your application to the board have no bearing on this forum.

Well, I think this falls under the “What is happening in the news”

The current board and interim principals are likely to consider addition of board members to sit on the nonprofit. You can make yourself known to them, with your past and current board of director seats in technology non-profit or business, or your credentials in machine learning and policy making, and willingness to represent the charter as well as venture stakeholders.

This forum is likely very low on the radar of board selection committee members.

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100% agree thanks, anyway i will be censored.

thanks @_j ! very helpful information!