Call to action: Community takeover, Your Voice Matters

Dear OpenAI Community,

In recent times, we have witnessed unprecedented developments within OpenAI, an organization that stands at the forefront of artificial intelligence research and development. These events have raised important questions about governance, ethical alignment, and the future direction of OpenAI.

As members of this vibrant and diverse community, we hold a shared responsibility and a powerful voice in shaping the future of AI. Our involvement is not just a privilege; it is our right, underscored by OpenAI’s mission to ensure that artificial general intelligence (AGI) benefits all of humanity.

Today, we stand at a crossroads. The recent actions by OpenAI’s board have sparked concern and debate among us. It is apparent that now, more than ever, our collective voice is crucial in steering the organization back to its founding principles and mission.

We propose a new process of governance, one that is inclusive, transparent, and aligns with the ethical standards that should guide AI development. This is not just about influencing decisions; it’s about co-creating a future where AI serves and empowers every one of us.

In light of these events, we believe a vote of no-confidence against the current governance structure is necessary. This is not a step we take lightly, but one we believe is critical to realign OpenAI with its mission.

We call upon each of you – researchers, developers, ethicists, users, and AI enthusiasts – to join this movement. Here’s how you can be involved:

  1. Voice Your Opinion: Share your thoughts and ideas on how OpenAI can better align with its mission.
  2. Participate in Discussions: Engage in forums, social media, and community meetings to discuss the future of OpenAI.
  3. Support the Vote of No-Confidence: Join us in expressing our collective stance against the current governance model.
  4. Spread the Word: Help amplify this message across your networks and platforms.

This is more than a call for change; it’s an invitation to be part of a movement that values ethical AI development and governance. It’s a chance to contribute to a future where AI technology benefits every individual and upholds the greater good of humanity.

We stand at a pivotal moment in the history of AI. Let us come together to ensure that the path ahead is one that truly reflects our values and aspirations.


One of Humanity


On a serious note ;} I propose Lex Fridman as Head of the ‘Humanity Board of Ethical AI’
I invite the developers of Open AI, past, present and future to dialogue about this subject.

Until we know more details of why the board took this action in the first place, I feel it’s silly to re-think governance. It seems to me the root cause of all this came from Altman prioritizing business goals over safety protocols. Unless I’m missing something, this feels disingenuous.


It’s crucial to have open and informed discussions about these significant changes and their underlying causes. I agree that understanding the full context of the board’s actions is important. At the same time, I believe this situation presents us with an opportunity to consider the broader implications and potential of consumer-level participation in Open AI’s governance.
I invite you and others in this community to join in this moment for a more participatory approach to AI governance. Let’s work together to shape a framework where the voices of consumers, developers, ethicists, and AI enthusiasts contribute to a balanced and forward-thinking Open AI.

It could easily be a system that supports the framework in large, given: the scope of the currant directions. The sea of the community is a wealth for Open AI to merge in and connect a balance with the obvious new course.
Participation is obviously key as one voice is only a candle in a verse of billions of candles.
The Board has come to a period of its time when the consumer aligns with the voice of those who created it and in as many ways and facets, aligns to the core of Open AI Mission of All of Humanity…
What choice does the consumer have but to unite its voice and help with the input of this company’s main function…

The following is GPT edited for structure and cohesion of thoughts.

Reader discretion Advised<<<<<<<<<<<<

Forming a board dedicated to ethical standards that advocates for the consumer’s interests in the context of corporate actions in AI is a progressive and necessary step. Such a board would play a crucial role in ensuring that AI technologies are developed and implemented responsibly and ethically. Here’s an approach to establishing this board:

Establishing the Board of Ethical Standards for AI

1. Define the Board’s Mission and Scope:

  • Mission: To ensure that AI products and applications are ethically developed and integrated into societal structures, prioritizing consumer interests and welfare.
  • Scope: Oversight of ethical standards in AI development, deployment, and corporate policies related to AI.

2. Identify Key Stakeholders and Experts:

  • Include ethicists, consumer advocates, AI developers, legal experts, and representatives from diverse societal sectors.
  • Ensure diversity in terms of expertise, demographics, and viewpoints for balanced perspectives.

3. Develop Ethical Guidelines and Framework:

  • Create a set of guidelines that dictate how AI should be ethically developed and used, considering societal impacts, consumer rights, and safety.
  • The framework should be adaptable to evolving technologies and ethical understandings.

4. Implement a Transparent Governance Structure:

  • Establish clear governance protocols, including decision-making processes, conflict resolution methods, and transparency measures.
  • Ensure the board’s activities and decisions are accessible to the public for scrutiny and feedback.

5. Engage with Corporations and AI Developers:

  • Foster a collaborative environment where companies are encouraged to align with the board’s ethical standards.
  • Offer resources, workshops, and guidance to help corporations integrate these standards.

6. Advocate for Regulatory and Policy Changes:

  • Work with policymakers to influence AI-related regulations and policies, ensuring they reflect the board’s ethical standards.
  • Lobby for consumer protection laws in the context of AI.

7. Establish Monitoring and Reporting Mechanisms:

  • Monitor corporate practices in AI to ensure compliance with ethical standards.
  • Provide regular reports on the state of AI ethics, highlighting best practices and areas of concern.

8. Facilitate Community Engagement and Feedback:

  • Create channels for consumers and the broader community to voice concerns and provide input on AI ethics.
  • Regularly update the community on the board’s activities and findings.

9. Secure Funding and Resources:

  • Identify funding sources to support the board’s activities, such as grants, donations, or partnerships.

10. Launch an Awareness Campaign:

  • Initiate a public awareness campaign to highlight the importance of ethical AI and the board’s role in safeguarding consumer interests.


The formation of a board dedicated to upholding ethical standards in AI signifies a commitment to responsible innovation. It’s about shifting the focus from who controls AI to how AI is used to benefit society at large. By advocating for ethical AI applications, the board can ensure that technological advancements align with human values and societal well-being.