In my Custom GPT (WebGPT), when ChatGPT writes out markdown-linked hyperlinks, they aren’t clickable for some reason. They’re highlighted in blue, and when I hover over them, they change color (suggesting they’re indeed hyperlinks), but on Desktop they aren’t clickable:
I also confirm the problem, which was introduced just a few days ago.
The GPT framework actually gets the URL information from your GPT, and even attempts to format it to a nice hyperlink. Unfortunately, however, the newly introduced bug produces a wrong link like this:
I have the same problem too. Also I can not display qr code that’s generated on my api services. I guess this problem is related to the same source. I can not reproduce the problem on mobile GPT app and can reproduce it on web version. The problem started from yesterday. I didn’t have it 2 days ago.
The problem has been fixed when other people use your GPT. But, as a developer previewing your own GPT during editing, you will still see the problem. Incidentally, when that happens, you will see a massive flush of errors in the browser console.