How to upgrade from free to tier 1?

I’ve added 6$ into my account today. But still my usage limits are that of free tier only.
Do i have to spend 5$ to upgrade or is it an issue from OpenAi side??

Usage tier upgrades are usually applied within a few days of making a payment.

If your usage tier does not advance within the next few days, contact support at

Few in the sense how many days it will take?

How to upgrade to tier 1,
I got the too many requests err and I have the enough credit to up date the tier.
I can’t understand how to upgrade.

Hi elmstedt,

Contact support is basically a bot that responds with a Google Forms form that does not exist anymore.

Currently waiting for an actual human to elevate my bot ticket and push me to my actual tier. (Tier 2)

Currently stuck hitting rate limits in Free Tier.

API goes live in a few weeks. Let’s hope that’s enough time. :slight_smile:

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Hey folks! Gokul here from OpenAI.

Thanks for flagging this. We’ve identified the root cause, and it should be fixed soon. If you’re still experiencing the issue after the end of the week, feel free to DM me!

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