How can I get Free Trial Credits?

When reading at the pricing section on OpenAI: Pricing
It says “Start experimenting with $18 in free credit that can be used during your first 3 months.”, but I haven’t received anything

What do I need to do to get my initial credits? Add a credit card?



Are you trying to use the Playground, ChatGPT, or the API? Did you just sign-up?

Have you checked your usage page?

I believe you do need to add a funding source for when you go past the free credits.

Welcome to the community! Hope you stick around.

I signed up couple days ago (not even 1 week ago) and I have 0 credits. Not even the free ones

My goal was to test the API to see if I can use it for a project I have in mind, and since OpenAI said they were giving $18 in credits for free, I wanted to give it a short
But as I mentioned, it says 0 credits on my account


Interesting. I wonder if they changed it due to how many people are signing up.

ChatGPT is currently free…

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Yeah but I wanted to test the API playground, to see which model and settings works best for my needs

You might try reaching out to support. Good luck!


I’m having the same problem. I signed up and have 0 credits. It appears there is no free trial anymore.


Hey, i am using chatGPT but it’s still deducting $ from my credits (18$)… so will I be able to use ChatGPT after that or I have to pay?

I created my account 2 days ago : Same issue : 0.00$/0.00$

So i cannot test the API, I guess this means, there is no free trial anymore, which is not very smart in my opinion, since I was intrested in buying a susbscription, but since i can’t test it first…


I’m getting the same response. There’s no information about the free trial being withdrawn.

Can anyone find a source for this? As a developer, it’s very frustrating not even being able to test out the API before handing over credit details.


I have been using ChatGPT for a long time now but only recently set up an API a few days ago. At that time I was able to claim my $18 credit. I told a friend about this and they did the same and got their $18. Then that friend tried to use a second account they had made (different email, same phone number) to build an application, and that second account did not have any credits available. I assume he wasn’t able to claim free credits on that account as OpenAI assigns them based on phone number, not email. Is it possible you’re facing a similar case?

Hope it works out for you, good luck!


Free credits are given out based on phone number.


I faced the same scenario and did get free credit on other (second) openAI account, as I used the same phone number of my first openAI account.

Even i signed up in december but recently wanted to try the API and when i used the playground it said my usage quota is over. When i check my usage section it says You’ve used $0.00 out of the $0.00 total credit granted to you. Any ways to solve this? Thanks in advance!

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As in numbers based in a specific country or those who have registered their number?

I’ve the same issue and don’t know how to get the free trail

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You were on to something with the phone number.

I created an Open AI account in November and my $18 credits expired on March 1st. So, like many of you here, I tried creating a new account with a different email address, but same number. They gave me $0 credits.

I tried now with a different phone number and email. This time I got $5 credits.

They’ve gotten stingy! Who lets credits expire without a way to request more? And $18 to $5 is a big drop.


Why did I only get $5 instead of $18? This is my first time making an account, and someone else who signed up on the same day as me got $18, so I think the offer is still going, right?

Originally, I also got 18$ free credits, but now the OpenAI website states (Pricing)

Start experimenting with $5 in free credit that can be used during your first 3 months.

They probably understood that 18$ is really a lot to experiment with the API. Nevertheless, you will probably not be able to spend even 5$ in 3 months because the API is often down and unusable, so you wouldn’t be able to make enough requests to spend all credits anyway.

So, based on my experience, what you really get is roughly 2.7$ dollars of free credits, which is what I was able to spend in 3 month, as the API is often unusable. So it doesn’t matter if you get 5 or 18 dollars in theory because, in practice, OpenAI doesn’t allow you to spend more than 3 dollars. Of course, this is based on my experience. I’m willing to hear other stories. More importantly, I hope that the API will soon be usable and we will not keep getting timeouts.


Hi @nbro,

thank you for sharing your experience - for me it is working well and there were some longer response times a couple of days ago in general the API works well for me.