GPT Builder's creator display name

Is there an option to change the name displayed, more like a username?
Right now, the option is to either display your full name or ‘Community Builder.’

I wish there was an option to change it to a brand name, for example.

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Hi and welcome to the Developer Forum!

Community builder changes to your domain if you have a domain setup.


How can I set up a domain?
I’ve found where to do it and did the verification check but it’s not working, didn’t update.

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thanks for the clarification. I will go ahead and set up mine.

You need to follow the instructions about setting up the txt record in your domains dns settings and then wait for it to propagate, usually quite quick.


Hello, I just verified my domain, still can’t change from community builder or make GPTs public. Is there something I’m missing?

Are you still getting a note that says you need to verify domain? Try turning the domain checkbox off then back on again…

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Finally got it to work, the website toggle decided to work finally

Thank you :white_heart:

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