same problem here, and I can’t change to Chat 3.5
I’m having the same issue however I’m on chat 3.5 and it’s still not working
Also having this problem on page in browser and on mobile app
I use Chat GPT a few times, but not enough to reach the limits (about 3 questions a day…).
For the past 3 days, I’ve been unable to make a prompt via GPT-4o, and I keep getting the error message "You’ve hit your usage limit. Please try again later. If I ask for version 3.5: I get an answer…
No reset of the situation in 24h or even more, which makes me fear a bug.
I tried on mobile: same thing. To disconnect and disconnect everywhere to reconnect: same thing. Chrome, safari, firefox: same thing. Always the same error message.
Do you have a solution?
same issue for me, does anyone know if their working on a fix?
Same error for me. I presume that if this error affects a lot of people, it’s a problem on their side and they will fix it soon… so we have nothing special to do but waiting…
same problem here, since a week.
Me as well. This doesn’t sound like a huge bug, except that their UI doesn’t have a great way to swap between models before initiating a request. If I could select 3.5 instead of 4o BEFORE my request, that would be better (still not great). Or, if the error messaging was better - “You’ve hit your usage limit. Please try again later. (Or, try GPT 3.5, which has no usage limits” or something like that. This feels like a pretty huge UX problem that I’m surprised no one has addressed yet.
same problem. Maybe they want us to but the premium ? I have to change the model to gpt 3.5 each time I give a prompt
This issue still persists. I have to manually set each prompt’s response to use 3.5, because it uses 4o by default.
This is incredibly annoying, to say the least.
Good news, the issue has been resolved for me for now.
They have identified the issue, there is something that blocks the IO, causing GPT-4o to fail in the first place.
For more information you can visit OpenAI’s statement on this:
Still having Issues with GPT-4! (not GPT-4o) It says that my limit has reached after one prompt?! WTF
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