I’ve added $5 credits to my account but I am unable to make any kind of request to whichever model due to the insufficient_quota
error. I’ve looked through the forum and it was supposedly resolved. I’ve tried contact support but I’ve only able to chat with the bot and no human interaction to help me resolve this.
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There’s rate limits, and you can only access some models when you first start out until you raise your Usage Tier.
Still having problems? What model are you trying to use?
Hi @PaulBellow ,
I’m aware of the rate limits and I am on tier 1 at the moment. According to the limits, I still have access to other models though.
I’m trying to use the gpt-4o-mini
Hi @ariev.scalia, I came across your post as I was searching for the solution to this issue too today and came upon a curious case. Here’s another thread on this forum that had the same issue. I was surprised to see that the 429 error is raised even when syntax errors prevent access to the model. This seems to be a very misleading and erroneous response from the OpenAI team and I hope it gets resolved too but in the meanwhile, try making one of the tests from the official API Quick Start guide. I used the same and my API keys were working after all. Hope this helps!
I have the same problem. I suspect it takes time for the service to recognize the payment, but I think it’s jsut riddiculous when we’re talking here about one of the top IT companies. just bs