Fine-tuned model deleting issue

I am encountering an issue while trying to delete some fine-tuned models in one of our projects. I received the following error message:

***NFO:httpx:HTTP Request: DELETE{*model-ID*} “HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden” ERROR:root:An error occurred while deleting model ft:gpt-3.5-turbo-0125:nova-consulting:bidfood-ld-500:9c72dSF8: Error code: 403 - {‘error’: {‘message’: “You have insufficient permissions for this operation. Missing scopes: api.delete. Check that you have the correct role in your organization (Owner), and if you’re using a restricted API key, that it has the necessary scopes.”, ‘type’: ‘server_error’, ‘param’: None, ‘code’: None}} ***

It is worth mentioning that I am able to delete models without any issues in the default project.

I have confirmed that I have Owner permissions for my account, as shown in the attached picture.

Could you please assist me in resolving this issue? It seems to be specific to this project, and I need to understand why the permissions are insufficient despite having the correct role.