Note: This is an extension of thread due to no resolution found at: Failed to update assistant: UserError: Failed to index file: Unsupported file type: application/csv
Many file formats like .csv, .xlsx, .docx are failing to upload for most users.
- Many approved file formats are bugging out on upload.
- While formats such as
are succeeding for most users. Assertion based on multiple community user posts. - .csv, .xlsx in my personal experience are failing to upload in assistant playground.
If you’ve solved this, please share detailed insights and your solution.
Else, if you’re facing a similar upload specific issue in playground; report your bug and scenario so @openai team can look into it hopefully.
Image below contains error faced during .xlsx upload.
- Single sheet
- Download from google sheets
- Re-attempted via mac numbers app
- UTF-8 Ensured