no brainer. Bizzare that it isn’t there.
Can’t wait for this feature.
Still waiting to make my life easier
Please add this Makes my life miserable without it
just adding +1. Thanks… and making my comment 25 characters.
Here is the most hilarious workaround sort of:
- Send an email to support@openai.com “please send my latest invoice” from your OpenAI account email address. Get an AI reply with links to recent stripe invoices.
- Figure out how to send this email recurring each month
Seriously, billing emails ?
+1 please enable that feature
+1 would help a lot! Right now I am wasting a lot of time for the monthly download.
I’m new to this service , and I’m pretty excited to start using it,
I heard of laymen becoming experts in complex computer/electrical engineering/ manufacturing areas , just through queries to chatgpt.
It’s sad that this option is not available and I’m guessing its a premeditated decision.
This attitude is similar to Ali Express and Amazon attitude of making the client work hard just to receive a simple receipt for a simple good or service , in order of course to discourage him from remembering to check his bills from chargpt, lest he decides not to use it this month and save money.
please be better than this.
please respect the client.
+1 - NEEDED - This is highly important for us to automate and use open-ai billing operationally - just allow a checkbox that sends the pdf invoice with the email thats all
Contrary to other commentators above, I have a hard time believing that the invoices/receipts are hidden so deeply inside the UI because they want you to forget that you’re paying. It’s probably something way more stupid.
As I need to keep my books in order forgetting about this cost is not an option. What I am reminded of every single month is what awful hassle it is to get the receipt from the UI. I am close to cancelling my subscription every month just because of this. In fact, I HAVE cancelled, and I don’t think I would have if this was more streamlined. I’m back for the time being, but I can’t wait to cancel again.
+1… I have no idea why this is not implemented from the beginning…
+1 PLEASE make this possible… we’re talking about an advanced AI and i have to download bills every month BY HAND and send it to my finance department?
It’s really annoying to connect manually every month for get invoices
+10 please add invoice by email feature
+1 on the request, Hate logging in once per month to just read invoices
+1 If anyone is actually monitoring this thread. C’mon y’all. Do it.
just commenting here that I 100% agree. add this feature… and out of courtesy, add a feature notifying us that we’ll be charged in X days. those options should be available under billing/settings in our chat gpt account.
We need this feature as well.
+1 Please implement that feature