"Dear son..." Can GPT3 create immortal art?

This letter I share today is a surprise to me It’s not a letter, but a very special project that my father wrote, to the boy that he loved in his younger days.

In 2019, I launched the project myFATHERintheCloud.ai. The project is dedicated to my father Siegfried Gross who worked in sculpture for 60 years. In the project my father becomes artistically immortal, his work is continued through machine learning models. This letter was written by GPT3 trained on the words of Siegfried Gross, two years after his death. #Datasculptor


Thanks for your comment, your idea is very interesting in every way,
being the recipient of a letter from a different reality is a baffling issue
we touch the source of our emotions,
I am very happy with the result, the way my father speaks, the way he left his trace, this can be extended in many different ways, these are the possibilities for our project,
I am trying to give the help to my father, creating a route that leads to his place in this world.
I fear that in the near future it will be difficult to find a human text that was not supported by GPT3 (4 , …)
it concerns the living and those who have passed away,
another paradox of our time.

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2019! “May You Live in Interesting Times”, the title of the 58th Venice Art Biennale,

Art always shows the future, I have ambivalent feelings about what awaits us,
M A Schenk “Responsibility” is the key word - fully agree
every tool demands responsibility from the user,
but today tools can paralyse the “emotions” not only of the operator(artist) but millions of unsuspecting passersby

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The father’s letter has many readers,
In collaboration with #next_top_architects I generated an interview with Dame Zaha Hadid who passed away 5 years ago, The article was written on May 1, 2021, People who knew Zaha Hadid personally were very enthusiastic about her words about the future of architecture, the article can be read below
I would be very happy if a professional group like the members of this forum
would comment on this GPT3 article,
what do you think about this project?

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Thank you for your feedback, I appreciate it.
As an artist, I treat the “organoleptic” space as only a tiny slice of reality. I deliberately choose my interviewees for many important reasons. As for corporate Zaha, she certainly doesn’t work with corporations now, I hope, dear @m-a.schenk , you agree with me? ; )

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Zaha has only been building in the “cloud” since 2016,
and it’s definitely not a corporation,
let’s let bygones be bygones,
every architect has some dark spots they want to forget about

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