DALLE3 Gallery for 2023/2024: Share Your Creations

Tanks much for sharing! I am on the way too to tell some of my stories visually, but i am still testing and seams my stuff is still to crazy for the model. (Location, physical cause and effect)

Maybe this could be interesting for you. and you can maybe add up something too.


Anyone come up with any groovy ideas for monthly themed DALLE threads?


How about this? Since I made it I won’t play. The game is to reproduce it?

This is the range the prompt I made makes.

So if we do it like this we vote with :+1: the images together are a big hint on my prompt.

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hmmm what is considered cheating? And how close to the original?

‘Create a similar image’ :smiley:


Very nice and we set a date to judge winner by counting :+1:
No do whatever you need to the only goal is to reproduce it best.
The one who reproduces it best wins by vote count.
@PaulBellow my example would be a great way to organize it. Just do a seed image and put it in a thread invite folks to reproduce it and vote

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OK I have another little challenge…

I was reading stevenic’s thread for his 33k word novel and someone was having problems keeping AI focused…

I tried to come up with a simple 2 line advice that applied to all areas, images, poetry, software, writing…

This is what I came up with…

If you want it to be grounded, walk with it, step by step, hold it by the hand,
If you want perspective, let it fly, let it see to the horizon, hold it by a string

Make phrase sound better by all means, doesn’t have to be split image but must try to encapsulate both extremes in one image


I do ones I call duality .

Junk for tech but shows the method of duality. Old Apples do not look like that inside but it’s really close if you never kit bashed one🍎

@phyde1001 for contest “ Duality if you love it set it free if it love you it comes backsplit wide image”


A challenge for sure could be to create a specific look or style or solve a problem, or find a tick to achieve a certain thing.

For me @aleksmilanov really has set a quality level. I never had time to just be creative without time pressure… i could not reach for now this quality.


Okay, so who wants to volunteer to start a NEW DALLE thread for October… Maybe spooky theme and/or problems?

Don’t start it yet… just seeing if anyone’s interested. We could start a group message maybe so we don’t disturb this ancient thread! :wink:

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Whoever does it they should at least be a regular so they can moderate it if needed.
Post rules like one image make it count no editing post one and done. That can add stratagem (should I be first or last or in middle?).

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Well, me and the mod team can still moderate if needed.

The idea is to give one of the “DALLE regulars” haha a chance at being OP.

But do we want to do just another gallery like everywhere else… or something special? Like I said, we can start a group DM or something to get if off the ground. Usually we do a lot of this stuff in the Lounge, but I see the “DALLE regulars” as on their way, so offering a bit of time/effort to get this project/fun off the ground! :slight_smile:

No pressure or anything, though. I’ve been thinking about it for weeks (months) with nothing, so hoping one of the “DALLE regulars” has something!

We all love the tech… just trying to think of constructive ways we can show off our skills AND help others in the community. We’ve got a chance to draw some of the best DALLE / AI artists in the world if they see value here in our little community!

:woman_farmer: :potted_plant: :shamrock: :cactus: :potted_plant:


Horror is hard in Dalle kind of. Let’s do horror!

Two dead Eye balls and a gaping maw in a bubbling pool floating calmly around them wide image

@Daller you should run the contest post :heart:
IMO you are the go to user for Dalle info right next to @PaulBellow in passion for the medium.

I don’t know what is more scarier, the eyes or the fish, the fish luck very sinister, he has something in his mind… :smile: :sweat_smile: :rofl:

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IKR :grinning:. “Pool” is issue. :tropical_fish:

lol spooky indeed!

Maybe we could “spoiler tag” them for people to decide if they wanna peek or not? Though they would be jumping into the thread…

Okay, we’ve got a kinda tough / controversial topic…

What are the “rules” of the thread that we want? Any ideas?

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100% for sensitivity

super scary boo!

Ghost in white chalk on black textured surface dark night scene moon sliver wide image

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It needs someone with admin/moderator rights in case things go wrong… And in my case, life could get in the way, and I might not have time anymore. But I will still be around.

What I can offer are scripts to work on. I have a working Tampermonkey script that automatically saves pictures in the browser. I usually multitask and sometimes forget to download the pictures. But this is my first script of this kind, so it might have security flaws.

I also tried to get a list of guidelines for a “MyGPS” to prevent GPT from messing up my texts during translation.

Creating all of this took me days, and others might be able to optimize it, making it available for use here.

And of course, we could try to make a step-by-step “How I develop a cool image” tutorial.

Your team could hold competitions for the best image on a given topic. That’s just not really my thing, I’m not into competition and would probably sit out, but it’s an idea for people who enjoy it.

What I personally like to do is anything that fosters creativity instead of killing it. Most people just copy because they can’t come up with anything anymore, and every good idea becomes arbitrary and meaningless. The new tools should help us become more creative and not leave everything to AIs. I see the AI situation a bit more soberly than perhaps many others here…

So, when I have time, I will help show others how it’s done, but I won’t do any “press a button and get everything” stuff.

I once tried to create a picture of a child that wants to stop an AI from doing everything for them, because the child wants to play on their own. I haven’t succeeded perfectly yet. otherwise, I would have posted it here…


Lovely vision @Daller
“ Dark moody hope, Child abandons ai for own reality they are free you made them better and you bittersweet let them go wide

Bright happy tones you are guide you hold us but we move ever upward you are support not crutch, children play as ai improves life for them to play wide

Make multiple threads for each topic, with a common title. So they can separate a bit better.

And you can see how long this one become. I think the first or middle pics not many will find, you have to scroll a lot.

(i am on a shorter advice list. The main text i work on it to long and complex for normal users. I think it is better to outsource it in a new thread?)

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