DALLE3 Gallery for 2023/2024: Share Your Creations

@mitchell_d00 It is more like this, if mammy want to show you how it works but you want figure it out by yourself, elbowing mammy away. but i not get the right pose done in 10 images… I get Text in the pic and all kind of wrong interpretations. the weights have not much what fits perfectly for a reference, i guess. but i am always under pressure of time. the day has to few hours…

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Warm scenery human Child plays with construx with back to ai companion who is bot they are bittersweet but let them go because it understands growth means letting go wide

Warm soft scenery human Child plays with construx with ai companion who is very advanced bot companion babysitter they want to help but let them learn on own but very motherly and it understands growth means letting go wide

1950s ad style Warm soft scenery play room wood paneling warm tones home feel, close up focus human Child plays with construx with ai companion who is very advanced bot companion babysitter they want to help but let them learn on own but very motherly and it understands growth means letting go wide

In soft, warm sunlight,

Child builds while bot watches close,

Letting go with love.

1950s ad style Warm soft scenery play room wood paneling warm tones home feel, close up focus human Child plays with construx with ai companion who is very advanced bot companion babysitter they want to help but let them learn on own but very motherly and it understands growth means letting go wide

I really like this one.

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Yes @PaulBellow was the first person here showing me here some tricks. He said he will step out for a while, but i think if he what the job he is the right one, and he has moderator rights.

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I am fine with @PaulBellow running it I’m a very active noob but still noob lol.
I like to read and help if I can and learn all I can. I find every aspect of this technology fascinating . Next nominee who I feel has been incredibly helpful and supportive are @polepole and @thinktank both are excellent Dalle users if @PaulBellow cant run it.

Please :pray: :heart:


Okay, the DALLE regulars talked me into it! :wink:

Give me a bit… might not be til later in the week, but get ready!


Yay! “ Draw excitement ” :brain::jack_o_lantern::ghost::skull:


Plot twist!!!

Something coming soon… stay tuned … your favorite AI forum… something … something…

Over and out… (for a bit…)

Have safe and be fun! :wink:

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I used your prompts @Daller
Thanks for your prompts, but turned from Unicorn to Goat.


A photo-style image of a pristine white goat with vibrant glowing yellow sapphire curly horns, posed dramatically in a dense, minimalistic natural environment. The surroundings are entirely white, featuring trees, bushes, plants, rocks, and ground in various shades of white such as off-white, ivory, and light gray to create depth and texture. The scene is illuminated with soft lighting and shadows, highlighting the purity of the white environment. The goat stands out as the focal point with its striking glowing yellow sapphire horns. The overall atmosphere is ethereal and serene, emphasizing contrast between the pristine white goat and its white surroundings. Widescreen.


A photo-style image of a pitch-black goat with vibrant glowing yellow sapphire curly horns, posed dramatically in a dense, minimalistic natural environment. The surroundings are entirely white, featuring trees, bushes, plants, rocks, and ground in various shades of white such as off-white, ivory, and light gray to create depth and texture. The scene is illuminated with soft lighting and shadows, highlighting the purity of the white environment. The goat stands out as the focal point with its striking glowing yellow sapphire horns. The overall atmosphere is ethereal and serene, emphasizing contrast between the black goat and its white surroundings. Widescreen.


A photo-realistic image of a goat playing hockey on a pristine white street. The goat is wearing a colorful hockey uniform, and skates, with hockey stick and a puck in front of a net, with its striking horns glowing pure red beryl mineral color. The environment remains minimalistic, with trees, bushes, and rocks in shades of white like off-white, ivory, and light gray. The lighting is soft and serene, casting subtle shadows, and creating a surreal, whimsical atmosphere focused on striking horns glowing pure red beryl mineral color. Widescreen.


A photo-realistic image of a goat playing hockey on a pristine white street. The goat is wearing a full hockey uniform, all in white, with only its horns glowing red. It stands in front of a street sign that is entirely white, including the word ‘Maaaaah’ written in sign. The environment remains minimalistic, with trees, bushes, and rocks in shades of white like off-white, ivory, and light gray. The lighting is soft and serene, casting subtle shadows, and creating a surreal, whimsical atmosphere focused on the red-horned goat. Widescreen.


Thank you @Daller .

I appreciate the feedback!

I have documented my journey in the medium posts here: Building an AI-Powered Chatbot for Home Automation | Medium


It was not an easy process to match the images to a story.

I wrote about it in this post: The Genesis of an AI Story Bot. Part 8 of The Building My First Chatbot… | by Aleks | Aug, 2024 | Medium

I have pictures created in about 3 or 4 different ways now across my previous AI project.

The most complex is images matching to story content. The instructions are about 1200 words long!

The most fun is creating an image that is a clue to the answer of a quiz bot that is setup as a Mythology bot by default.


@aleksmilanov Wow… yes i was on this path too, and then try to reduce the text, i was simply not fast enough anymore for a days hours.
I am right now working on a theory but i am not sure if something has mislead me or if it works. The theory is, that simple language with good tendency words (like moods or quality terms without strong object descriptions, like used in poetic language), could achieve the same results like long poetic texts. But i am not sure yet. I try to reconstruct one of your pictures as a experiment.

The theory is, that “DallE not need poetic language, the magic is in the training data, a prompt can be simple”
And right now i am testing this theory. not all agree with this theory.

I must search the prompt for it, i try to be fast, and in quick testing i am not always log my prompts… but this prompts has less then 100 words (all words, not only graphic tokens), and i think less then 256 characters. like you can see, it is not exactly the quality of your image, but on the way. I use mostly “Photo style”.
Like you can see, I am not there yet.


Lovely your water work and luster / reflection is crisp…

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Something more…
I got the info that DallE only allows a certain cl100k_base tokens. (can not find the link now…)
By @_j: “The sent prompt is truncated at 256 cl100k_base tokens by the model.”

And GPT maybe rewrites your input before it is sent to DallE. I use the Browser, not the API, so not sure if the quality is the same, but it is somewhere in the documentations.

  • prompt (str): A text description of the desired image(s). The maximum length is 1000 characters. Required field.

I always check the truly used prompt sent to DallE, in the JSON.

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Bean is our cat. Shes a good kitty. :rabbit::heart::cat: I used both a visual seed and a poem prompt in generation.

Ode to Bean, the Calico Queen

In a world of boxes and plastic bags,

Where pineapples rest from their travels,

Sits a calico queen in a cardboard throne,

Her kingdom, a realm of curious marvels.

With fur of autumn leaves and snow,

Her gaze, a blend of warmth and cheer,

Bean reigns with a regal air,

In a cozy corner, she holds dear.

She surveys her domain with bright eyes,

As if guarding secrets untold,

A loyal companion through nights and days,

Her presence, a comfort to hold.

Oh, Bean, in your box, so snug and small,

You bring joy with a silent purr,

A symbol of simple pleasures found,

In moments shared with fur.

May your reign in this humble realm,

Be filled with love and gentle care,

For in the heart of your cardboard castle,

Lies a friendship beyond compare.


I similarly think it’s very important to use Dalle as a tool and not a replacement. This art loses all it’s meaning if a human isn’t involved.

The folks here have enough skill to effectively know how to remove a human from the equation, and it’s similarly up to us to show why that is an impractical approach.

If you are after “poetic texts” you’ll have to be more specific about what poetry you’re after, I think. That could mean anything from poetic prose to an actual poem.

I suggest perhaps starting with your favorite poets by name. That will help the model focus on something.

October / November Challenge

If y’all want something really challenging, here’s what I suggest:

  • Work together to write a short thematic story about a character. (Without violating copywrites.) Since prose are in right now, why not make a short poem about something?
  • Each of us individually create pitches for the visualization of that character.
  • Vote on the character style.
  • The Challenge: Each of us works to reproduce that character doing something. (It’s pretty tough getting AI to reproduce it’s own illustration consistently. Getting everyone to do it on their own is going to be a zoo, lol.)
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One of those heart breaking ads about lost and abused animals inspired this.

“ A striking poster with the slogan ‘Abuse Animals, Go to Jail’ in bold, eye-catching text. The image features a large, imposing jail cell in the background, with bars clearly visible. In front of the bars, a sad-looking dog with visible signs of neglect or distress, symbolizing the victims of abuse. The overall mood of the image should be somber, with dark, muted colors, reinforcing the serious consequences of animal cruelty.”

The “poetic texts” statement must be understood in context. My current theory is that it’s not necessary to send highly elaborate, flowery, or excessively ornate texts to DALL·E. By “flowery language,” I refer to poetic language. Typically, love poems are very flowery emotional and effusive. So, it’s not about a specific type of poem or its style, but rather “poetry” here refers to a very detailed and atmospheric description, full of emotion.

Very much!

This is another theory, but I haven’t had time to test it, so I haven’t written any text about it yet. I will call it the “anchor effect.” The idea is that a token, even if it’s nonsensical, could have an anchoring effect, placed at the beginning (or somewhere else?). I found out that whatever is described first tends to have a central node effect, drawing more attention. So placing something very anchoring at the beginning might make the character more consistent. It could even be that a nonsensical piece of information could have a strong anchoring effect, if DALL·E doesn’t remove it. It would work like a pseudo seed or gen-id. Seeds and gen-ids are not supported yet, but they could still have an anchoring effect.

So, if you want to test it, use a meaningless word like “lfaifnlghruhmfd,” or a gen-id and a seed like “gen-id=123456dfdsf Seed=1234560” and then follow with the text. There is a possibility that this anchors the generator to produce more consistent images. “lfaifnlghruhmfd” actually could be deleted/ignored, but DallE could give the id a meaning. and even if it has no effect over the diffusion process, it could have as a invisible guide or anchor effect.
The structure would be…
{anchor} {setup} {details} {environment}
The {setup} is for example a description of the character.

I 100% agree most of my real Dalle work is done in a strict logic. But I am an artist also so I don’t mind dropping a poem and the stars align and the image is perfect :rabbit::honeybee::heart:
We can have fun too. :robot:

mural in lab table with holo-graphic being in middle as people around table interact with the being, for ground AI research in lab , wide image

Holo-graphic being seems to make same shape.

Solo Holo-graphic being blacker than black background narrow image

Tested prompt in 4o


Depends how you do it.


Now I just need a very very large printer that would be great on my wall :slight_smile: