Custom GPT's not updating

Problem is that it says “Error saving GPT” and that is all, so no information as to why.

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Anything showing in the console?

We had problems recently here that might be related?

EVERYONE, THIS!!! This worked for me. Before reverting I just made sure I copied previous instructions and I made sure my document files were ready to go, then I just reverted to the most recent version, copied the new instructions, deleted old files (two), and uploaded new files, checked previously unchecked boxes, updated and there was no error. Thanks GPTNerd!


If there are { } in the text, it deranges the JSON the system generates.

If the instructions are more then 8000 characters, the update not work.

File amount limit was recently 10. but you can put all files in a ZIP. best TXT files.

Always save your work externally, there is no guaranty that your work or files don’t get lost.

(I had to find this out by try-and-error, because OpenAI not return any useful information’s, actually in general. GPT or DallE is generally not informed about its own functions and limits, and can not give any advice’s where problems come from. It lacks generally a self check mode, or error return, or knowledge from the documentation. kind strange for a ChatBot.)

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