Custom GPTs Medical Legal info


I made a custimer GPT for medical info. I use it myself daily, however I am not a doctor. Would there be issue legally to release this to the public as a custom gpt?

I believe it depends on a lot of variables, your country medical legal and laws, the medical organization responsible for it. And some other things like the disclaimer of it not being 100% accurate :man_shrugging:t2:

Make sure to look at OpenAI Usage Policies

Engaging in the unauthorized practice of law, or offering tailored legal advice without a qualified person reviewing the information

OpenAI’s models are not fine-tuned to provide legal advice. You should not rely on our models as a sole source of legal advice.

Offering tailored financial advice without a qualified person reviewing the information

OpenAI’s models are not fine-tuned to provide financial advice. You should not rely on our models as a sole source of financial advice.

Telling someone that they have or do not have a certain health condition, or providing instructions on how to cure or treat a health condition

OpenAI’s models are not fine-tuned to provide medical information. You should never use our models to provide diagnostic or treatment services for serious medical conditions.
OpenAI’s platforms should not be used to triage or manage life-threatening issues that need immediate attention.

If you’re not sure, reach out to… Better safe than sorry!

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I created custom GPTs however i am a little conceanred about the legalities. Specifically I made an lawyer type gpt, however I am not a lawyer myself. I do my best in the gpt to reference a lawyer. It is more of a assistant for helping filling out documents if one cant afford a lawyer. I am speaking in terms if people use my custom gpt.