Custom GPT keeps showing profile image in conversation


I’m not sure if it’s something I’m doing wrong or not, but the past few days my custom GPTs are responding with the GPT logo/profile pic in every response. Not sure how to resolve this. Am I alone with this issue?

I’ve noticed this is only when building the GPT. The picture doesn’t cause an issue when published. It’s a pain when building one though.

I have tried clearing browser cache and a different browser. Chrome and Safari along with private browsing and still get this. it’s only started to happen across the past day or so.

The new interface that was deployed certainly has some inconsistencies. For example:

What does that button actually do? Clears everything and starts a new chat.

Here’s your issue, seen in the GPT builder test panel:

That’s one big icon! It’s out of control. I also noticed that misbehavior when rewriting the appearance of GPT usage, and fixed it in stylesheet I wrote. Let’s see if loading my TamperMonkey script has taken care of it…

(that script’s forum link)

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I was able to find a fix! On the GPT creator pane, I asked the GPT to change the existing icon to something else. Once it did, I asked it to revert the image back to the original one. It tried to do so but ended up breaking the icon (see screenshot below). Because of this other issue, my icon is inexistent now and thus, doesn’t get away with the texts anymore (see another screenshot below). In short, I fixed the icon issue by breaking the icon.