My account dashboard indicates that my account is funded and that I have available credit.
I am getting the following from a test call:
Rate limit exceeded: Error code: 429 - {‘error’: {‘message’: ‘You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details. For more information on this error, read the docs:’, ‘type’: ‘insufficient_quota’, ‘param’: None, ‘code’: ‘insufficient_quota’}}
============================== short test summary info ==============================
FAILED tests/ - openai.RateLimitError: Error code: 429 - {‘error’: {‘message’: 'You exceeded your…
================================= 1 failed in 3.13s =================================
sys:1: ResourceWarning: unclosed <ssl.SSLSocket fd=1228, family=2, type=1, proto=0, laddr=(‘’, 56402), raddr=(‘’, 443)>
Updated testing shows that the account is good, but the TTS service is exceeding quota. My account has credit. How could this be?
================================ test session starts ================================
platform win32 – Python 3.12.7, pytest-8.3.3, pluggy-1.5.0 – C:\Users\User\Documents\GitHub\SolaceE\venv\Scripts\python.exe
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: H:\My Drive\Source Code\SolaceE
configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: anyio-4.6.2.post1, asyncio-0.24.0, django-4.8.0, mock-3.14.0
asyncio: mode=Mode.STRICT, default_loop_scope=None
collected 1 item
Testing TTS service…
✗ TTS quota exceeded. Error details:
Error code: 429 - {‘error’: {‘message’: ‘You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details. For more information on this error, read the docs:’, ‘type’: ‘insufficient_quota’, ‘param’: None, ‘code’: ‘insufficient_quota’}}
OpenAI’s accounting has been similarly screwed up.
First thing I would do is make sure auto-recharge is turned off in your account, or that may go crazy charging you based on a backend that can’t see your balance.
Look at the individual credits on the right side. They will be listed like $5.33/$10.00, where the first number is the amount remaining. That may tell a different story than the organization credit balance on the main billing page.
Then you may have recently paid, and the credit balance goes up, but if you’ve gotten shut off, it takes an extended time to turn the API back on (just like it takes time to shut it off after going negative).
If you can generate “chat” responses in the playground, setting the organization and project in the web user interface to the one where you have generated an API key, then the next path is to see if
your have forgotten that you set personal monthly limits on a project or your organization,
you have also set environment variables for organization or project that try to bill to another organization,
see that the API key is still in the project and still is being used as environment variable
you have set the wrong default organization for user keys
Do deeper inspection with your running code: produce the API key obtained from the environment, produce the api_key from the openai client in software after it makes a call, log the actual authentication header being sent by the API call…
I have run tests and replicated the message responses from OpenAI.
‘You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and
billing details. For more information on this error, read the docs:’, ‘type’: ‘insufficient_quota’, ‘param’: None, ‘code’: ‘insufficient_quota’}}
I have built extra tests to validate the messages from OpenAI.
The additional testing shows the issue with with TTS usage. There are TTS usage limits which my account has not reached - not even close.
There is no billing issue in the account.
I am not in a position to troubleshoot an issue that is highly likely on the OpenAI side.
I have documented this and sent it off to ‘Help’ but the AI chatbot there has fallen asleep.
The forum is basically other developers and users. OpenAI staff that pop in don’t generally engage in account issues, although with a million users, such a problem is likely affecting more than just you.