Clippy Quest Clicker Game (GPT-4, DALLE2, ElevenLabs...)

Not finished, but I’ve been up all night, and this is how far I’ve gotten…

Anyone wanna play this weekend?

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$10 in GPT-4…

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This looks cool! Written in classic Javascript?

Is it hosted?

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Thanks! Still experimenting and tinkering…

The latest version is here for now…

Bootstrap 5 + Jquery (latest)

Got ElevenLabs done for Chapter 1…

Cleaned it up a bit…

Playable now for free!

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Some more polish with DALLE2 and GPT-4…

I’ve got some updates… I’ve switched from Clippy Quest to Long Live LitRPG, a game about writers…

You can “Read” or “write”… and if you do either, words appear! This would’ve been hard without GPT-4 for the coding and the text content - not to mention the graphics.


Great work. I always love seeing your videos. I’m a sucker for medieval-type music.

GPT-4 really is working well with me for coding. It’s a whole new level of rubber ducking it when the rubber duck can now talk back


Thanks. Making progress on making it even more meta haha…