Clarification regarding billing continuity and custom GPTs

Dear OpenAI and OpenAI users,

I contribute to a number of paid chat GPT workspaces, including my own.

In particular, I’ve created a number of custom GPTs for internal use that have been adopted by colleagues.

A question that I’ve both had myself and that others have asked me is what happens to custom GPTs in the event that the user stops paying or a workspace is dissolved and downgraded to a single user account.

These more specific questions are also asked and I think very relevant:

  • Assuming that paid users lose the ability to edit their created custom GPTs, are they still accessible to the users and others, (ie, they become view-only entities?)

  • In the event that a user stops paying for a subscription, but subsequently resumes it, will they be able to retrieve access to the previously created GPTs?

Apologies if this is already clarified somewhere, if so perhaps there is a piece of documentation I could be directed to which addresses all these important billing and continuity issues.

Many thanks!



@danielrosehill :wave:

I am not an OpenAI Staff.

There is a topic on OpenAI Help page about your question:

What happens to my GPTs if I cancel my subscription?


I saw two posts about this topic.
A summary about it:

If a Plus subscription is canceled, custom GPTs remain accessible to other users. However, you cannot edit these GPTs after canceling your Plus subscription because the custom GPT edit page will no longer be visible to you. Nonetheless, users who have previously accessed or used your custom GPTs can continue using them.


Thanks for asking this question! I had been trying to find a straight answer.

Do you know if there is control over what URLs appear in the GPT?