ChatGPT Voice not Working

I was using the voice chat for some time. Later, I attempted to use it on my second device, and it worked. However, now, when I try to use it intermittently, it doesn’t work. It shows the loading icon circling, then shuts down. Interestingly, when I use it with another account on the same device, it works perfectly. The account that is experiencing issues is a Plus subscription. Please help. Thanks in advance

You’ll need to reach out to

Good luck.

Thanks for responding. I tried getting support there but only found some articles that weren’t relevant to my issue. Can you guide me on where to raise a ticket?

Does the account work on another device or web?

Nevermind! I managed to connect with the support team. Thanks for your help!

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Did you find any solution? i have same problem

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You’ll need to reach out to

Good luck.

I am facing the same issue. Is an email? Because it shows an invalid email to me and I did not find anything relevant on the site.

That’s the website link. Check for a black bubble button at the bottom and try it from your phone. You’ll start a conversation with a bot, and you might end up with an agent. However, no one responded to me when I mentioned the issues with a screenshot. Luckily, the issue resolved itself. Now the voice chat is working…who needs customer support when you have luck, right?

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