Hi! I got access to video and screen share input feature today but after evening this features has disappeared. What’s happening?
They are investigating: https://status.openai.com/
I am experiencing the same - had access to the live video and screen share feature - then it disappeared.
Curiously, it reappeared sporadically for a few minutes over the past couple of days, but hen disappeared again and is mostly not there.
Very very frustrating.
Anyone else experiencing something similar? Any fix?
I am in a geaography that is supported, paid subscription.
Me too… I’ve just seen new features with video call and screen share and after 1 ended call that thing shut down. Makes me sad but…. I hope that they will fix it and I’ll continue to enjoy:) and u too
Checking on this? Gemini Is awesome how it walks me through things I need help with. Just hoping the other models get on board.
Just noticed my live video feature missing today was just showing it off to family over the holiday! Also, the voice chat bubble no longer has a colorful visualizer?
Yes, same here - just went to use it, and it isn’t there, just getting advanced voice mode. WTF OpenAI?
And yes, I’m a Plus user.
Same here, had those options briefly, now both options are gone. Also being a plus user
any update on this?
I’voe got the same issue
Frustratingly when I went to Germany it worked fine but when i came back here to Mallorca again it stopped!