ChatGPT Video and Screen Share Inputs has disappeared

Hi! I got access to video and screen share input feature today but after evening this features has disappeared. What’s happening?


They are investigating: :slight_smile:

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I am experiencing the same - had access to the live video and screen share feature - then it disappeared.
Curiously, it reappeared sporadically for a few minutes over the past couple of days, but hen disappeared again and is mostly not there.
Very very frustrating.
Anyone else experiencing something similar? Any fix?

I am in a geaography that is supported, paid subscription.


Me too… I’ve just seen new features with video call and screen share and after 1 ended call that thing shut down. Makes me sad but…. I hope that they will fix it and I’ll continue to enjoy:) and u too


Checking on this? Gemini Is awesome how it walks me through things I need help with. Just hoping the other models get on board.

Just noticed my live video feature missing today :frowning: was just showing it off to family over the holiday! Also, the voice chat bubble no longer has a colorful visualizer?

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Yes, same here - just went to use it, and it isn’t there, just getting advanced voice mode. WTF OpenAI?

And yes, I’m a Plus user.

Same here, had those options briefly, now both options are gone. Also being a plus user

any update on this?

I’voe got the same issue

Frustratingly when I went to Germany it worked fine but when i came back here to Mallorca again it stopped!